Wet Testing iStill Robot 3.0!

Today we did the first wet tests on the new iStill Robot 3.0. “Robot” like in that it helps you make cuts and maintains the purity levels / taste transfer levels you want to distill at.

Why a new robot? Because we think we can even improve on the already awesome 2016 iStill Robot 2.0. And if we can improve, we will.

But since in practice, theory and practice may differ, we do tests. Last week I published a few pictures of the dry tests. Summary? They went perfectly fine. So today we had scheduled the wet tests.

Like this: we loaded an iStill 500 NextGen with 300 liters of 6% potato wash, put the packed column on top of it, and mounted the iStill Robot 3.0. We then started a pure run and did measurements. On friction and torsion levels. On output levels. On accuracy.

The outcome? Everything worked fine, only total closing of the system still showed some drops of liquid coming over from the column to the product selector unit. We dived in and found that the test version of the robot was not perfectly aligned.

The solution? We decided to build a new self-homing and self-aligning needle-valve. We will do that the next few days. New dry tests are scheduled for the second part of next week. New wet tests (and possible acceptance tests) will start on December 5th!

I’ll keep you posted. As for now … some pictures:

Three iStill MegaMinds discussing PLC/Robot integration (bird view) …


Test running the iStill Robot 3.0 on the iStill 500 NextGen …


My robot guys doing the testing …


iStill Robot 3.0 …




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